Sea Kayaking Articles from P&H Staff, Team Paddlers, and Friends

Month: January 2007

Surfing Lake Erie

Me getting pushed around a bit in the Lake Erie surf.

Ben Lawry's profile photo

Picture of Ben Lawry sitting by a lake with his cappella and his Lendal paddles and his P&H cap.

Angel Island in the winter

Captain Penguin in his kayak Elvis.

Winter paddling in the San Francisco Bay is the best time of year to visit.

Captain Penguin in his kayak Elvis.

Captain Penguin launches off of Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay.

photo of loz

Mark Rainsleys South West Sea Kayaking Exploits

Interesting News from the sea kayaking world:
Mark Rainsley the exulted ruler of the massive internet community that is Uk Sea Kayak Guidebook & Uk Rivers Guidebook has started the painstaking process of writing a Sea kayaking guidebook for the uk’s southwest.
He’s blogging these exploits at
Head over and have a read..

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