The Golden Gate Sea Kayak Symposium organized by Matt Palmariello and Sean Morley continues to be one of my absolute favorite events to attend. It, along with other recent rough water instructional based symposiums, are continuing to grow and shape the sport in exciting ways. The students and coaches these events draw always make for a high energy and enthusiastic atmosphere that is intoxicating and contagious as hell. Safety and FUN is the name of the game and it shows. What a BLAST!
Author: Paul Kuthe
The Lumpy Waters Symposium 2012
They came from all over the West. One by one they were checked in by Suzi Elle co-owner of Alder Creek Kayak & Canoe and her team of volunteers. The huge canopy of the standard issue commercial grade event tent we rented is flapping hard and occasionally releasing a deluge of water that pooled from the torrential downpours over night. The sea is writhing and folding in on it’s self. You can hear the waves crash against the sand from deep within the Cape Kiwanda RV resort where Lumpy H.Q. is constructed each year. Lumpy seems to have grown a little bit despite our best efforts to keep it small. Now, with over 100 students in attendance, the energy has never felt BIGGER. Enthusiasm permeates the air and ear to ear smiles can be seen all around. Perhaps they have not seen the beach yet? It may be “terrible weather” by most people’s standards, but most people are not wrapped head to toe in Gore-Tex. They don’t mind the rain and they don’t seem to mind the waves either. As the students all gather for the general morning meeting the chanting began, first only softly, then louder and louder…We want Lumpy..We want Lumpy…We want Lumpy…WE WANT LUMPY!!!!!!
- Students ripped it up in the short boat surfing classes. Photo by Fred Marmsater
- Photo by David Dalbey
- The crowd began to chant as one…”We want Lumpy…We want Lumpy…” Photo by Fred Marmsater
- The day after the symposium many of the coaches gather for a post event session. Rob Yates throws around the Delphin like one of his play boats. Photo By Alex Stoeffl
Lumpy Waters is what they want and that’s what we are going to give them! Thanks to an amazing team of coaches (many of which are on the P&H team) and tremendous sponsor support, Alder Creek Kayak & Canoe is able to provide what is becoming known as one of the very BEST rough water symposiums anywhere in the world. It’s a 3 day all inclusive rough water coastal symposium with programs that range from flat water boat control and to advanced long boat surf, navigation and rock gardening rescue classes. The event takes place each Fall out at the coast in Pacific City, Oregon. Team members and ambassadors such as Sean Morley, Rob Yates, Matt Nelson, Bryant Burkhardt, Matt Palmariello, Paul Kuthe and others were there to keep students safe and get them having FUN at the coast, around the rocks, in the surf, and everywhere in between. Thule Racks, Saltwood, Werner, Kokatat, and others were also all there in support.
Events like The Lumpy Waters Symposium and the upcoming Golden Gate Sea Kayak Symposium in 2013 are turning heads and attracting students from around the world. They are raising the bar and taking the sea paddling community in America with them. I’ve never seen so many people excited about REAL sea kayaking. No longer do people hear the word symposium and think of testing shinny new boats in a placid pond. Sea Kayaking is all about paddling in the sea! To paddle safely at sea people need LOTS of training. Rough water events run by well trained and respected coaches and outfitters are a great way to up your game in a reasonably safe environment with new paddling friends and have a great time doing it! We hope you will join us next year.
Watch: The Video
Lumpy Waters 2012 from Fredrik Marmsater Photography on Vimeo.
-Paul Kuthe