P&H Custom Sea Kayaks Blog

Sea Kayaking Articles from P&H Staff, Team Paddlers, and Friends



Lots of P&H boats at the recent ACA certification in Charleston, SC. This was my first chance to try out the Cetus LV. It was fantastic. I didn't even take my 3 pc Explorer off my truck



A wintery return to the cockpit

Well this short paddle was just the second since surgery on my back, the first was a chilly night paddle and this one was in 6 degrees of frost and around 8cm of snow……
We started at 0700…. in the dark with frozen fingers & toes, I slipped into the cockpit and remembered I still had my wellington boots over my drysuit…… a tight fit but workable 🙂
The sunrise made the effort worthwhile…..
Some areas were starting to freeze over, this little fishy will not be getting any bigger, I think his name is Findus…
The chocolate dispenser on the foredeck was frozen, as was the skeg 😉
This is the end of our little outing, what a great way to start the day
As you can see, the end markers on my Cetus are still attached, The decklines & elastics were frozen solid…..

Have a great Christmas, and remember, the best cure for Christmas blues is…… to paddle




The Cetus awaits it pilot…..

Another Introduction

Hello everybody, I’d like to introduce myself to the P&H Paddlers world. I work for Saltwater Sports, a kayak outfitter in Southwest Florida and love paddling sea kayaks. I am very excited to join this wonderful team. I got my Cetus LV a couple months ago and have fallen in love with it. I have paddled British boats since the beginning and never have paddled anything close to the performance of it.

First Time In Cetus

Rough water paddling and surfing is my favorite part of kayaking. Expedition paddling and rolling would be the next favorite. The LV enabled me to progress so much further in my rolling it’s unbelievable.

Balance Brace in Cetus LV

I can’t wait to get my new Team Boat and really do some tripping. Hopefully we get some surf soon and I can get some good reports up. The Cetus LV is by far my dream boat and I look forward to posting some hardcore trip reports.

Cetus LV from Stern


Static Brace

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