P&H Custom Sea Kayaks Blog

Sea Kayaking Articles from P&H Staff, Team Paddlers, and Friends

Port Hardy Ferry

Getting packed to leave for the Butze Tidal Rapids at the Port Hardy Ferry Terminal. Photo by Phil Tifo

American Canoe Association National Conference

I just returned from the ACA’s National Paddlesports Conference, the passion for paddlesports was palpable and it is always good to get coaches, instructors and trainers from all across the country and some from Austria together to share ideas and simply mess around in boats. Next years conference will be held in Asheville, NC home to P&H, Pyranha, Venture and Feel Free North America.

Cheers, Todd

Wales 2009

This is a bit delayed as I have been on the road but I had the opportunity to spend a few days paddling in South Wales around St. David’s in mid Ocotber. It was a spectacular trip diverse and complex water, stunning vistas, amazing sunsets and wildlife. If you haven’t been the Pembrokeshire region is an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise with sea boating, surf, hill walking, coasteering or just wandering the coastal path. In addition there is a high concentration of accredited and accomplished guides, coaches and outfitters to offer advise, provide some coaching or help you with equipment.

On the way out...Ramsey SoundWales9

On the way out…


Ramsey Sound


South Bishop


Skills 09

MP surf fever


Erik the Viking and Pardy the Party

A little something from Canada and Michael Pardy

Well, for many folks across North America, the paddling season is winding down. I am happy to say that its just getting started up here on Vancouver Island. The first of the winter storms are building out in the Pacific, the clouds are thickening and the rain has started. All this means some awesome paddling ove the next few months! Now only if I can get some time out from the desk…

Skills 09

Its been a great 2009 season. Lots of interesting programs.

The season started with some currents paddling with Erik Ogaard at a secret location (sorry guys, I’m under oath). Not a great wave for surfing, but lots of fun, funky boils and whirlpools and a few curious sea lions.


The best part was the water-side wood fired sauna at the end of the day. The summer season ended with a group of 15 year olds on a short 5 day tour out of Tofino. The first day was punctuated by heavy rain but the ocean gods and goddesses were kind and sunshine prevailed for the rest of the trip. The only disappointment was the shortage of whales, as many greys had already moved south. We did have a loud shouting match with a bunch of lonely young male sea lions though. We barked and growled for over 30 minutes with our animal-human choir in a cacophany of sound of which Sonic Youth would be proud.

The good news is, the teaching continues into the winter season. I’m heading out to the Broken Group Islands next week to run a Paddle Canada Level 3 with some of my favourite local paddlers from Deep Cove (of Hurrican Riders fame- check out their video’s on youtube). After that, I hope to squeeze in a bunch of personal paddling. I am eagerly anticipating the arrival of my new P&H Capella 167 – green/white with red trim-some time this fall so I can head down to visit Sean at the Golden Gate Sea Kayak Symposium in February in style. Should be lots of fun and a great opportunity to learn and share with others across North America. Anyway, stay tuned and I will add details about our winter adventures on the rainy, windy, and thoroughly enjoyable west coast.


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